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Dear Sisters,

I wanted to let you know that I have spearheaded a memorial art project to raise awareness for domestic violence. This final work will memorialize Jenn, Andrea, Olivia and Magnus along with all those who have suffered. W & R women from all over the country have sent pieces of art to add to the final project. At this time it looks like it will be a main banner plus a prayer flag like section of artwork that will be displayed at GA in Ft. Lauderdale in June 2008.
If you would like to create something no larger than 15 x 15 you may send it to me. Please put fusible interface on the back so we might attach it easily to the final project. In fact, you may use fusible interface throughout so that you may iron the pieces together – you need not sew. Also, you do not need to make it a square – any shape is ok. I will need to have the pieces sent to me no later than May 24th or Memorial Day weekend. That way we’ll have time to organize it before GA. If any of you are attending GA and would like to be part of our ritual or silent walk – whatever it turns out to be please let me know or keep in touch if I lose touch.

You may mail completed panels to:
Susan Pendergraft


You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.

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