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I attended GA in Ft. Lauderdale this summer to represent the Florida District of W & R.  At that time we listened to a fascinating opening talk given by the Rev. Shirley Ranck.  I was honored to be in her presence and found her humility, quiet strength and fortitude to be an inspiration to us all.  Our Florida district co-chairs Jenn and Andrea were honored in a service by Rev. Addae Watson.  Women from around the country lit candles in their honor.   The beautiful altar cloth/art healing piece was the center of the altar.  Rev. Watson created a healing circle that I will always remember. The piece was place in the GA W & R booth.  You can see pictures at the link listed below. 

During GA a request was made to send and/or bring the cloth to the International Convocation of UU Women  in  Houston, TX  in February of next year.  There was talk that the art piece could be a traveling consciousness-raising exhibition to be launched at the Convo.  It would be nice if domestic violence educational material or curriculum could be packaged along with the piece. I am hoping one of you can gather some materials.  I was asked to present a workshop, but my work commitments will not allow me to do this.  Perhaps someone in our group has some expertise in this area and would like to go.   All UU women are invited to attend.  Many dynamic women will be presenting. It should be a wonderful event. 

Other news – the second portion of Cakes for the Queen of Heaven is now complete and can be ordered on line.  Both Cakes I and Cakes II are $40.00 each and can be ordered online at UUWR.org  

Link International Convo http://www.icuuw.com/index.html 

-- Former District Chair 

Susan Pendergraft


GA booth with the banner:

GA UUWR 062608 001


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