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Dear Women of WomanSpirit -- The summer is fading fast (even if not the heat!) and we'll soon head into the new program year at UUFBR.
So, this is to let you know about the next couple of months of WomanSpirit gatherings:
Monday, Sept. 8th -- 7:30 p.m. 
We gather in circle in the Sanctuary to celebrate "Being Present" to the new Fellowship season and to each other.   Questions?  feel free to contact me  (852-9884).  
Monday, Oct. 13th -- 7:30 p.m. -- Sanctuary
Adele Alexandre will bring us the story: Tales of the Footbinder, plus a review of the Florida UU Women and Religion retreat of the weekend before.   (See more on FL W&R at the end of this note.)
As always, WomanSpirit gatherings are open to all UUFBR women members and friends -- pass the word -- car pool with friends -- our circle is always expandable!
And, please do some thinking about a gathering you would like to present :  either with someone else, or by yourself -- either at UUFBR, or somewhere else.  Check your 2nd Monday evening calendars for the months ahead and come prepared to sign up for the 
date(s) that work best for you to lead a WomanSpirit gathering this year.
See you September 8th!  It will be great to be together again!
mary c.....................


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