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from UUTampa.org

Cakes for the Queen of Heaven - Volume 1: IN ANCIENT TIMES is a 5-session series of classes that will examine womens history related to art, literature and religion in the Ancient Near East, Old Europe and the predominate Western culture.  We will look at not only Christian and pre-Judaic cultures, but also to the wealth of material rooted in Africa, Asia, and original peoples of America.   It is important to note that our religious heritage cannot be contained in these five short sessions:

April 6 - The Sacred Female
April 20- In the Name of the Mother and the Daughter
May 4 -   Womanpower
May 18 -  From Goddess to God
June 1 -  Heritage of Peace

We will connect with our ancient past, with those deep roots in Goddess-oriented, possibly peaceful cultures.  We will begin to tell a new story.


You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.

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