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Goddess of Destruction Goddess of Creation

Two ends of a continuum that we all experience

One of the most dramatic goddesses of Hawaii, Pele has long lived in Hawaiian hearts and minds as the supreme personification of volcanic majesty and power. Within the Hawaiian cosmos all natural forces are regarded as life forces, related to humanity by common descent from the same ultimate creative spirits. Possessing the power to create new land, Pele also has a volcanic personality. She is by nature impetuous and lusty, jealous, unpredictable, and capable of sudden fury and great violence. The goddess Pele is described as "She-Who-Shapes-The-Sacred-Land" in ancient Hawaiian chants. She does so until this day. She has destroyed more than 100 structures on the Big Island since 1983. She has added more than 70 acres of land to the island's southeastern coastline. So even with a title as fierce as "Destroyer," Pele is considered a Mother Goddess. She contains within her both the destructive and creative powers of life.

Come celebrate a weekend in which we invite the Hawaiian Goddess Pele into our circle, to guide and inspire us as we strive for balance in our lives. We will seek Pele's help in living with the power of fire, both internal and external, and in learning to be in balance - to embrace our anger, as well as our calm. We will explore the power of fire to destroy and to renew the creative spirit. Come, join the safety of the circle of women, open your heart to the teachings of fire, and explore how to feed the creative spark within.

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Special Guest - Kalina

Kalina started studying Hawaiian dance in 1980. She has traveled extensively on the mainland, the Hawaiian Islands, and Tahiti to learn from the finest instructors. She teaches hula as a means of honoring both the culture of the islands and if desired, as an honoring of the ancestors. Kalina is well versed in the lore, arts, crafts language, poetry, ukulele, implement and lay making. She offers workshops teaching dance, I'pu gourd drum, feather work, and lei making. Kalina is a fount of knowledge about Hawaiian culture. She offers workshop participants an entertaining, yet profoundly enriching experience.


Leslie Rigg

Leslie Rigg began attending UU Women & Religion Retreats in the early 90's. This is the third time she has been a coordinator for a retreat. Being a coordinator for retreats allows her to use both sides of her brain (left brain / datagrrl / organizer and right brain / yagattawanna / creator).

Susan Pendergraft

Susan has been attending UUW&R retreats since the mid-1980's. She is current Co-Chair. She has participated in local woman circles for many years. Susan helped to create the Fairy retreat a few years ago. She is very creative and has a knack for gathering people and ideas together. Susan has a degree in Cultural Anthropology and has almost completed a M.L.A. in Humanities. She taught in the Gifted Program of Pinellas County for many years.

Special Assistance from Jill Oldenski

Jill has graciously offered her in-depth knowledge of myth and mythic story to help organize this retreat. Jill has been either directly or indirectly involved in helping design many of our retreats. Her contributions are greatly appreciated! Jill uses her love of story to create a line of fine art dolls in a line she calls Story Folk. Jill is also a very talented story teller.


Drum making

In Hawaii, gourd drums were used to accompany chanting during festive as well as spiritual occasions. Learn to make and play a gourd drum. The gourd is cut, scraped out, and sanded clean. Learn a short chant which will be used in the evening ritual. Children will be invited to make a drum.

Ritual Skirts

Using old thrift store skirts we will collage bits of material, findings, paint and stamps to create a ritual Pa'u (Hawaiian skirt) like those used by the goddesses. You may wish to bring an old skirt or you may choose one provided. If you have craft supplies to add to the materials please bring them with you.


Crochet Leis are made with yarn and ribbon. Kalina with Karen Frank will assist fifteen people experienced with crochet hooks and two beginners. These leis are quite beautiful.

Mandala Guided meditation and drawing workshop

Draw a Maori Mandala (specific format and elements) to lead to an understanding about one's current, personal balance in terms of physical, thinking, feeling and spirit (drawing would be 20 minutes).We would then "dream interpret" each person's drawings (up to an hour).


With Kalina as inspiration come learn how the hula reflected many concepts in the natural and spiritual world. You will be introduced to basic hula steps and movement. Children are invited to this workshop.

Writing Workshop

Be inspired by quotes from Hawaiian Spirituality. Story starters will be provided focusing on life blood, harmony, creation and destruction. Create a short piece to share if you wish. Carol Andros will assist.


You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.

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