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 Elly Kelly Baker and UU women from around Florida invite you to share this weekend of

Ethereal Music ~ Workshops ~ Belly Dancing ~ Meditative, Music-Inspired Art ~ Crystal Bowls ~ Sisterhood ~ Visitations from Our Creative Muses ~ Drumming ~ Sacred Space ~ Yoga ~ Deeper Listening~ Improvisation~ Chanting ~ Free-Form Movement ~ Harmony ~ Hawaiian Ancient Kahuna Principles ~ Accessing Your Creative Flow ~ Ritual


"When you put your heart into your music, it goes everywhere." Alyshia Keyes


Music is considered the most spiritual of the arts for it originates in another realm.

Whether you accept the modern-day concept of "String Theory" (Everything in the Universe is composed of vibrating strands of matter in space.) or your ancient DNA instinctively senses it----Music is everywhere and allows us to spiritually transcend this existence.

Music connects us all to the spiritual experience of being human. And so, we are all natural musicians: Every moment our biological systems rhythmically ebb and flow, pulse and pause. Everyday we voice our intentions and express our innermost vibrations with our ongoing "dance" of body language.

Consider how our minds constantly struggle to keep pace with the never-ending input of stimuli. Our bodies are likewise continually adjusting to the daily rhythms around us. Our spirits are endlessly searching to co-create balance and harmony with our Self and our Universe. At times we may "tune out"; we can feel "out of sync"; we sense that we're not "resonating very well" with others; we may even get "strange vibes" when we are in unfamiliar surroundings. Our language hints at what's needed: Just as every object in the universe creates its unique vibrational "song", we are asked to rediscover our ancient pathways to harmonic union and spiritual creative flow.

We are asked to remember that Music is our birthright, and we are all natural musicians. Intention, not perfection, is the key.

So, join us on a spiritual rendez-vous with music. Come with an open heart and mind. Give yourself permission to accept and share the unique gifts with which you have been blessed. Together we will call forth our Muses and re-awaken our musical connection to the cosmos.
Through sound, dance, art, and writing, we will access and realign our inner and outer spheres of harmonic energy. Together we will laugh, gyrate, chant, glide, tone, meditate, drum, hug, and release our way to vibrational union.

May Your Journey Bring Harmony,



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