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FL2013 1Third Annual Florida UU Women’s Retreat, March 15-17 - The weather was perfect, the setting attractive and the energy warm and welcoming for the forty women who gathered in retreat last month at the DaySpring Conference Center in Ellenton, Florida. For the past three years this gathering has brought UU women together from congregations as far north as Georgia to as far south as Fort Myers. The goal of the retreat is simply to strengthen connections and enjoy time together in a comfortable setting.

The retreat opened Friday with a wine and hors d’oeuvres social and dinner. Following dinner, members of the Fort Myers congregation led the Ingathering,
setting the tone for the weekend’s theme of “transitions.”  The evening was brought to an energetic close with a drumming circle. Saturday morning the group began the day with meditation led by Judy Minear, who also facilitated the program. Judy used verbal cues and music to facilitate exploration of life’s transitions. The afternoon was filled with canoeing, kayaking, a sing-along, a drumming circle, and another pre-dinner wine and hors d’oeuvres gathering. Following dinner, the group reassembled for an evening of laughter and sharing together.

Sunday morning offered participants the opportunity to walk a labyrinth, explore the grounds, and to gather together for a joyful closing led by members of Orlando’s 1U.
A special thank-you to everyone who helped make this year’s retreat a success. We look forward to coming together again in March 2014.

Story by Allie Gore; photos by DaySpring and Allie Gore




Far left, group gathered for closing service led by 1U members.
From left above, Mary Murphy (1U), Lola Sorenson and Nana
Royer (St. Augustine); Anne Howe (Fort Myers) and Cheryl Orr
(West Volusia) reflect on their weekend together; Cat Rigby (1U)
coordinates the round sung by the group as Cindy Gustafson and
Kim Traugott (Fort Myers) listen.


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