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  1. Prepare a brief notice for publication in District newsletter (Sunshine). If it is feasible, send this notice to individual congregations to publish in their newsletters or Sunday morning bulletins. (W & R Area Communicators may be helpful in getting information out to local congregations.) This notice should include:
    • the title (theme) of the retreat and name of sponsoring organization.
    • the dates and place.
    • names of facilitators.
    • a name, address and phone contact for questions.
    • information about when to expect brochures and registration forms.
  2. Confer with registrar and co-facilitator about
    • deadline dates for registration/late registration (probably 10 days before retreat, but expect numerous late registrations.)
    • fees needed to cover retreat costs. You or registrar should verify current rate schedule with site manager.
  3. Design registration form in consultation with registrar.
  4. Registration form should include: (NOTE: check in advance on local hotel/motels & list one or two choices, with phone numbers and rate range, for those who prefer to stay "off site.")
    • name, address and phone number of registrar.
    • deadline for registration (and consequences of late registration: possibly rooms assigned "first choice to first-register")
    • consequences for registration cancellation: i.e., $15 cancellation fee for cancellations received less than 10 days from date of retreat.
    • conditions for scholarship aid (e.g., up to 50% of fee), deadline for applying for scholarship and who to call/write to make request.
    • spaces for registering person to write in name, address and phone.
    • space to write in preferred roommate (if registrar wants to assign rooms ahead of time.) An alternative system is to choose appropriate rooms for facilitators and child care staff, set aside space for mothers with children, and then have remaining participants choose their own rooms when they arrive: first come/first choice.
    • space to write in special dietary, medical or physical needs. (NOTE: retreat notice should include any plans for vegetarian or other special menus. Be sure site can handle special dietary needs before offering that option.)
    • cost of retreat, including:
    • . to whom checks should be made payable. (Consult with Treasurer.)
    • whether payment must be made in advance, or at retreat itself.
    • differing rates for adults, children, infants (including specific ages)
    • differing rates for on site rooms, own RV, tenting, "day only"
    • whether registration fee covers all costs: e.g., any additional charges for workshop materials or snacks/wine, etc.
    • opportunity to add extra money for scholarship aid for others.
    • conditions for selling arts & crafts, or other items, at retreat. (See Appendix B: Sample Retreat Registration Form)
  5. Prepare retreat brochure to be distributed with registration form. You can save money if you include the brochure in a newsletter mailing (i.e., W&R Womanspirit). If you are going to do this, you need to consult the newsletter editor about size of paper and format for folding. The brochure/newsletter announcement should include:
    • a cover design/picture to reflect the theme
    • a brief note about the theme
    • a brief note about the facilitators.
    • a general schedule of events, including "check-in" time and any pre-retreat activities available, such as use of pool, hiking, etc.
      • NOTE: the more general your schedule, the better, because you will likely want to make changes as you work out the details of the program.
    • address and phone of retreat site, driving directions and map.
    • information about what to bring: linens, towels, musical instruments, etc.
    • information about child care/youth camp arrangements.
    • announcement to the effect that: "no perfume be worn at retreats and conferences due to allergic reactions among the participants."
    • space for mailing label if the brochure is separately mailed rather than included in a newsletter.

(See Appendix C: Sample Retreat Announcement in Womanspirit)


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