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  1. Give people a chance to introduce themselves. (Invite everyone to wear their name tags throughout.)
  2. Thank the people who have helped with preparations behind the scenes. Introduce site manager(s) if appropriate.
  3. Give people an idea of what to expect during the retreat, and assure them that they are free to opt out if they would rather nap or walk or do something solitary at a given time.
  4. Explain about the importance of freedom to speak frankly, or to not speak — and about confidentiality.
  5. Give people a chance to ask questions about plans for the retreat or whatever else they need to know.
  6. Hand out participant list, with addresses and phone numbers of everyone present.*

* FLW & R policy: The participant list prepared at each event will indicate that: "This list is only for the personal, non-business use of each participant." (2-11-96)


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