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Fact, Working Hypothesis, or Feminist Myth?
This is a compilation of panel presentations given at General Assembly 1992, edited by Dorothy Emerson. The panel and the publication were sponsored by the Feminism Section of Collegium, Association for Liberal Religious Studies, as part of its "Edge of the Wave" series, coordinated by Betty Hoskins. The 40 page booklet, in part a discussion of issues raised by Cakes for the Queen of Heaven, includes contributions by Carol Graywing, Shirley Ranck, Carol Hepokoski, Holly Horn, Christa Heiden Landon, Elizabeth Fisher, and Betty Hoskins.

10 In Stock

A Woman-honoring Journey into Global Earth-based Spiritualities by Elizabeth Fisher
Originally published by the UUWF in 1995, and revised in 2007, this multicultural and multimedia course has been experienced by thousands around the world. Many have been profoundly moved by its exciting exploration of sacred narratives that honor the cross cultural female divine, as well as the many diverse and creative activities included. This re-release contains all the original content but is more flexible. RiseUp website has many more resources!

17 In Stock
* Music / Video Files media:

A Woman-honoring Journey into Global Earth-based Spiritualities by Elizabeth Fisher

  • Two hour DVD of woman-honoring sacred art, both ancient and contemporary, that is sensitively narrated in 11 individual segments with full color menu.
  • DVD is included when you buy the FULL KIT, but you may like to get the DVD separately. It stands alone well as a group viewing, and a preview of what's in the course.
  • When you buy the FULL KIT you now have access to mp4 video files.
8 In Stock

A Woman-honoring Journey into Global Earth-based Spiritualities by Elizabeth Fisher

  • When you purchase, you will be sent a login and code to download them.
  • If you already own the kit or DVD and want access to these digital files, please email store@uuwr.org.

A Woman-honoring Journey into Global Earth-based Spiritualities by Elizabeth Fisher. Music CD of chants, songs, stories, and instrumental selections which express the emotional essence of the journey. CD is included when you buy the FULL KIT, though you may like the Music by itself.

Speaker Icon  Listen to samples of all tracks

7 In Stock

Musical resources for the Rise Up curriculum in downloadable mp3 format!

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A Woman-honoring Journey into Global Earth-based Spiritualities by Elizabeth Fisher

  • 385 page Sourcebook in a PDF e-book searchable file comprised of background and resources.
  • It is recommended that each participant have a copy of this file or a printed version of this Sourcebook to use for home study.
  • E-book can be shared with participants or additional copies can be purchased.
  • INCLUDED when you buy the FULL KIT; no need to order separately.

Newly revised and updated, this book by Elizabeth Fisher outlines a Train-the-Trainer workshop which teaches the group facilitation process of the participatory Circle Model of Shared Leadership.

This book can aid you when facilitating a group and also make it possible for you to teach this method effectively so it can be put into practice quickly by others.

29 In Stock


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