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Red Tent Resource Kit

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Restoring Women to Ceremony - by Molly Remer

NOTE: This book is not meant to be sold/used independently. It is meant to accompany the Red Tent Initiation course offered online from Brigid's Grove. It is a collection of notes, outlines, ritual resources, readings, and more, meant to be used in conjunction with a training and not as a stand alone manual. Are you hungering for depth, connection, restoration, and renewal in a busy world? Are you yearning to reach out to other women in sisterhood and co-create a powerful Red Tent Circle experience? In this collection of essays and ritual resources, you will find four complete Red Tent “recipes,” circle leadership basics, moontime musings, and readings, quotes, and poems to help you facilitate a rich, inviting, welcoming, creative space for the women of your community.

Brigid's Grove (brigidsgrove.com)


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