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Welcome! The Women and Religion Movement is alive and well in the 21st Century. A grassroots project started by lay leaders in the 1970s as an effort to promote examination of religious roots of sexism and patriarchy within the UUA and beyond, UU Women and Religion officially began as a task force following the unanimously-passed WOMEN AND RELIGION RESOLUTION at the 1977 UUA General Assembly. Although the Task Force was eventually sunsetted, the movement still exists in UU communities that hold Women & Religion programs and gatherings for those who identify as women. It exists at the UU General Assembly, where UUW&R brings our Store to the Exhibit Hall and occasionally hosts a gathering. And it lives in the hearts and lives of people who have been touched by the many changes inspired by this movement.

"We do not want a piece of the pie. It is still a patriarchal pie. We want to change the recipe!" -- Rosemary Matson

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When God Was A WomanMerlin Stone"Merlin Stone is dead. She died on the 23rd of February, 4:52 a.m., in Daytona beach. She was ill for three years with much pain. . Thanks for the books Merlin,”When God was a Woman” and “Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood.” You changed my life for the better." - Z Budapest.

Stone was a sculptor and professor of art history at the State University of New York at Buffalo.  Her 1976 book When God Was a Woman is often credited with being responsible for one of the major contributors to the rise in Goddess spirituality and feminist thought during the 1980s.

Mama Donna Henes writes, "I met Merlin in 1975 when we worked together on the Great Goddess issue of Heresies: A Feminist Publication on Art and Politics. Since then, she has been a friend, mentor, supporter and role model for me. She was especially helpful when The Queen of My Self was first released, generously sharing her experience, expertise and encouragement. She will be sorely missed... Merlin, dear, rest in in peace, embraced by the arms of the Goddess."

Zsuzsanna Budapest has asked UUW&R to pass along the details of her memorial service: It will be held on September 24, 2011 at the UU Church in Clearwater, FL. She adds, "We are still in the process of organizing for the event, but you can share the www.MerlinStone.net website with everyone so they can monitor the events and projects happening."

Rev. Shirley Ranck, author of Cakes for the Queen of Heaven comments, "For me, Merlin Stone's book When God Was a Woman was one of the first to alert me to the reality that there had been a massive shift in power in the myths and societies of the ancient world. The title alone was a shock to many people. I remember mentioning it to some sociologists of religion at a meeting and the whole idea was dismissed as nonsense.  It must have taken a lot of courage to write and publish that book at that time. We owe Merlin Stone a debt of gratitude for her work."

Helen Poenoe adds, "What a fountain of knowledge Merlin Stone’s work is!  Her Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood serves me well as a resource for moon circles, Wheel of the Year services and Cakes… circles besides simply my own inspiration. I like her phrase, 'the Oneness that lies beneath all dualities.'"

... Our Spring 2011 Theme ...

Our W&R work is in the flow of the worldwide coming together for interdependence and freedom. The human evolution of our going to this partnership level of empowerment  makes our W&R movement ever strong.

Rev. Dorothy Emerson on rightMaking connections is so important. Women weaving the web of life remind us to connect the difficult past with present struggles and give birth to hope in a more peaceful and just future.

Back in the early 1980s, I remember questioning the traditional mythology presented at my son’s Waldorf school, mythology that told of war as inevitable. Weren’t there any powerful, responsible women who might come up with better solutions to conflict, if they weren’t depicted as eternally weak and shallow? Where were the stories of wise women and men making peace, protecting the web of relationships and life? I was just beginning to learn about goddesses and alternative gender relationships in very early times, so I knew there was more to the story. Maybe changing the belief that war would always exist needed to precede the end of war.

SWUUWCon2011-Linda-Carol-Kathy-Kathy-smSouthWest UU Women held their 25th annual Conference, "Generation NEXXT" in Dallas Texas on March 3-5. Despite their keynote speaker having to cancel at the last minute due to family illness, the SWUUW women were up to the challenge. Participants commented:

"Big Bad Gina ROCKED! It was so fun to dance to their music, and just be entertained by them!"

"I thought Intern Rev. Megan [Dalby-Jones] did a very good job of delivering the message that Rev. Tambra Lebak was to have given."

Shirley-GA2009Yes!  Distinguished scholars tell us we humans may have an ancient heritage of partnership and peace.  My hope is that the current uprisings mean that people everywhere are beginning the process of reclaiming that heritage.  Surely we have all had enough of domination and war.  -- Shirley Ranck, author Cakes for the Queen of Heaven

MistySheehan-TCRE-Jan2011jpgIslamic women are powerful ladies drawing on powerful mythological sources. My favorite is Shirin Neshat (1957-), from Iran.  I just watched a film directed by her, Women without Men, which is available through Netflix. The surrealistic film is based on a surrealistic novella by Shahrnush Parsipur (translation available from Syracuse University Press, 1998)

Neshat’s story is about four women living in 1953 when a coup ousted the President Mohammed Mosaddeq in favor of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. (In case you haven’t heard of Mosaddeq, and I had to look him up, he was an elected leader in Iran, who the CIA and the British intelligence deposed, putting in the Shah of Iran with his repressive reign. And that is only one of the reasons the people in the Middle East are angry at the U.S. and Britain.)

One woman is a communist; one is a prostitute; one an older women who had been a singer, but her husband didn’t allow her to sing; and the last is a woman who is concerned about the importance of virginity.

Helen’s March 14, 2011 Note:  My love letter of concern to all my Japanese IALRW, International Association of Liberal Religious Women, sisters:

A teapot holding tea leaves becomes active with strong essence when the water is added.  I see you “in hot water” and being strong in this time of tragedy.  Today, it’s so hard to know what the escape of radiation from your quake-damaged nuclear plants really will mean for human health.  However what I have witnessed about all of you is the steadfastness of your supportive interdependence and industrious positive energy.  I’m sure that “when in hot water” from the earthquake, each one of you is becoming strong enough “to take it” and give what you can to your people’s struggle.  This vision I carry inspires me to send, daily, my positive vibrations of concerned love.  May you be safe and able to be resilient every step of the way to recovery.  History proves you’ve done it before.  I hold you in my heart dear sisters.

[Details on IALRW members' aid efforts in Japan are on their Facebook group page.]

Egypt’s weaponless January liberation protest connects to WW II’s A-bomb devastation in Japan.

By Helen Popenoe, (written February 21, 2011, but relevant to Japan’s tragedy, today, in its connection to Michiko Tsuchihashi’s mission, described in this report.)

February Article Introduction (followed by early March responses):

If Jeremiah could have looked at Egypt this beginning of 2011, how would he have interpreted the motivation behind the protestors’ movement?  Might they have baked cakes for the Queen of Heaven in their pre-protest communication?  In WOMUUNWEB’S fall issue, I started a series based on my reactions to presentations I heard at September’s conference for the International Association of Liberal Religious Women (IALRW.)  Now, my second report is an opinion piece about Egypt’s strong protest, one minus the violence of warring with weapons.  The weaponless Egyptian January freedom demonstrators’ success ties in with IALRW’s Michiko Tsuchihashi’s unforgettable sharing of her mission in life. 

WOMUUNWEB’s last issue’s report was based on a description of Dolma’s peace education.  Michiko, in her presentation, acknowledged how Dolma’s  good work in India connects with Michiko’s peace work in Japan.



If you have any questions, please contact UU Women and Religion, info@uuwr.org.

Main resources from the UUA: www.uua.org/reproductive

The latest news from UU Women and Religion


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