Fact, Working Hypothesis, or Feminist Myth?
This is a compilation of panel presentations given at General Assembly 1992, edited by Dorothy Emerson. The panel and the publication were sponsored by the Feminism Section of Collegium, Association for Liberal Religious Studies, as part of its "Edge of the Wave" series, coordinated by Betty Hoskins. The 40 page booklet, in part a discussion of issues raised by Cakes for the Queen of Heaven, includes contributions by Carol Graywing, Shirley Ranck, Carol Hepokoski, Holly Horn, Christa Heiden Landon, Elizabeth Fisher, and Betty Hoskins.
About Collegium | v | |
A Story of Origins: How This Panel and Book Came to Be | Dorothy May Emerson | ix |
Earth Mothers of Willendorf and Lauselle | Carol Graywing | 1 |
The Great Goddess, A Most Holy Trinity | Shirley Ranck | 5 |
Women and Prehistory: Perspectives from a Feminist Archaeology of Gender | Carol Hepokoski | 9 |
The Great Goddess Revisited: Problems in the Interpretive Framework of Archeology as a Legitimizing Authority for Claims to Religious Truth | Holly Horn | 13 |
Polytheism and Monolatry | Christa Heiden Landon | 19 |
Weaving Strands into Whole Cloth | Elizabeth Fisher | 23 |
Afterword | Betty B. Hoskins | 33 |
About the Contributors | 37 |