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New Edition of an Old Treasure!

"Reading this text is like receiving a heartening letter from Howard! We highly recommend its cutting edge insight, lyrical voice and refreshing inspiration." ~ Elizabeth and Bob Fisher, friends and fans of Howard's.

You can read The Fourth Wise Man online.


"A few years before his death -- when times were less hectic for us -- Howard and I began to work on a task very important to both of us. He wanted to republish his first book The Fourth Wise Man, editing out the sexist language that permeated its pages. It had been written more than fifty years ago, before the feminist movement taught us the importance of inclusive language. I was eager to do this because it is a fine book full of poetic wisdom and humor and it should be shared. The contents are as relevant to today's troubled world as it was when it was first published in 1954." ~ from introductory remarks by Rosemary Matson


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