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Sarah CampbellSarah Campbell embodies the earth mother in her garden, and celebrates her spirituality in the Wiccan manner.

Sarah is a community herbalist in Lancaster County, PA. She loves a wild garden best, though she keeps trying to tend a labyrinth herb garden. You can visit Sarah's garden and shop at herbsfromthelabyrinth.com

She finds that plants have a lot to teach humans about being in community, about healing, and about devotion.

A life-long pagan, Sarah was reared part-time in the wilds of Northern Canada by her parents, both cultural anthropologists. Sarah has been a practicing and teaching Wiccan for more than 15 years, and is an initiate in the Reclaiming Tradition, studying for many years with Starhawk and others.

Sarah lives with her husband, Will, and 2 cats, Sushine and Moonbeam. She is mother to one daughter, Kara, and is filled with delight and gratitude for her granddaughter, Ember.


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